3 signs your Financial Adviser is just not that into you…
Actionable Market Insights from Tuttle Ventures
I’m AMAZED at what investors put up with.
Some investors will stick with an adviser, despite being IGNORED, talked down to, and poor results.
There are many reasons why good relationships are hard to come by — life gets in the way; breaking up is hard to do; and if you leave, you might need to find someone else.
If you’re dragging your feet; here are 3 reasons to act. 👣
☑️#1. Being Unprepared
🧾#2 Fear of Fees
🤨📈#3 Mystery returns
☑️#1. Being Unprepared — During a portfolio review meeting, it’s clear your adviser hasn’t done an ounce of homework. She/He doesn’t remember where you left off last time, what you were concerned about, or that you have family living with you. Don’t be forced to bring them along while they pretend to remember.
🧾#2 Fear of talking about FEES — Your adviser squirms, hesitates, and changes the subject when you ask about fees. Your advisor should be able to outline quickly and clearly how much you’re paying and what you’re getting for it. You’re definitely paying too much if you’re told to look the other way.
🤨📈#3 Mystery returns — You should receive an annual performance report every year which contains your official, after-fee return. If your adviser uses numbers that don’t match a brokerage report, cherry-picks an odd time frame, or talks at length about their latest vacation, then it’s likely you’re not getting the straight goods.
How well you manage your long-term investments will determine whether you can reach your financial goals.
If you can relate to one or more, it’s time to move on…⏰💨🏃♂️
You deserve the best.
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Darin Tuttle, CFA
Founder & CIO
Tuttle Ventures, LLC